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Monthly Archives: February 2021

ARTSY Hey Duggee

I love PEPPA PIG, a simple yet sophisticated visual, with ironic,

clever, and forthright TV cartoon depiction

of children’s and adult’s mentality.

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One day, surfing the kid “Channel 123” (easy for little kids to remember), I encountered HEY DUGGEE, with its over-the-top, Surrealistic/Dada visual wit, far outdoing PEPPA PIG in its artful style. (Both PEPPA and DUGGEE are produced by the BBC and meant for very little kids—sorta like me.) One might describe HEY DUGGEE as Magritte and Rousseau overwhelmed by Miro drawn with a circle guide and a straightedge.

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ARTSY Eddy’s World

Most people probably remember the plastic set of toy teeth that chatter. I remember having a set when I was a kid.

Most who watch Jean Shepherd’s film, A CHRISTMAS STORY remember that, as Miss Shields tells all her students to come up to her desk and surrender the small fake teeth they had in their mouths as a joke, she opens her desk drawer and there is a set of the teeth still chattering from some earlier confiscation.

Of interest to those obsessed with chronological accuracy,

the teeth were invented around 1949

but the A CHRISTMAS STORY depicts them being in Ms. Shield’s desk

in 1940. (The film itself was made in 1983.)

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Of interest to those obsessed with chronological accuracy, the teeth were invented around 1949,

but the A CHRISTMAS STORY depicts them being in Shield’s desk in 1940.) The film was made in 1983.Of interest to those obsessed with chronological accuracy, the teeth were invented around 1949, but the A CHRISTMAS STORY depicts them being in Shield’s desk in 1940. (The film was made in 1983

I just encountered a New Yorker documentary called “Eddy’s World,” about Adolph (Eddy) Goldfarb, an inventor of over 800 toys. THE FIRST WAS THE FAMOUS TEETH.  When the film was made, Eddy was 98 years old and still inventing. His daughter, Lyn directed and produced the film.


 Eddy is a genius and he was lucky–his new wife, Anita, agreed to financially support the family for two years while he invented. Eddy has some thoughts on creativity/invention:

I always knew I was going to be an independent inventor. And I chose toys.

I think that when you do creative work it’ll stimulate your brain. And that helps keeps your body healthy.

I annoy people with my optimism. People who, ‘why don’t you face reality and stuff?’ Well, I think I’m right. I think that being optimistic helped me a lot.

I started writing 100-word stories about eight or nine years ago. I’m working on my second 100. I get ideas for stories all the time.

Rising sun. Every day when I wake up I thank him, her, or it for this wonderful day.